Did you know that beliefs you probably learned as kid can influence your bottom line?
No matter if you’re an entrepreneur or not – what you believe deep inside determines your way of life, including how much money you have.
These limiting beliefs are not inherently bad. We created them as kids to keep us safe in this world. We learned them from our parents, our larger family and our friends. They became a part of us.
They are our safety walls.
However, as we created them as kids, they are most likely outdated now that we are adults. That’s where the “limiting” comes in. The safety walls have become too tight.
These walls show up as mental blocks. As fears. Or as stories we tell ourselves about what we can do or not. As the voices in our heads telling us who we should be.
I’m sure you’re all familiar with those.
And everyone of us runs into them almost every day.
The good news is that these limiting beliefs can be easily transformed. I use EFT for this work, and it’s the fastest modality I’ve found.
The first step is to discover the limiting belief.
To hear the voice saying it. To look at at things your parents used to say, or are still saying. The circumstances of your childhood. The dreams you had – and what you learned abou them as kid. Some intense experiences that maybe made you take a vow to avoid any of that happening again.
Once you’re clear on a particular limiting belief, it’s possible to tap it out and transform it. It’s work I do regularly with my clients.
Here’s some tapping to get you started.
Even though I learned as kid how the world works and what I can do and what I cannot do, and this has kept me safe, I’m okay the way I am and I’m now open to the possibility that those old rules no longer work for me.
Even though it’s hard to go against those inner warnings and do things anyway, I’m okay the way I am, and I now give myself permission to grow beyond those childhood rules.
Even though I’m still letting those old safety rules influence my decisions, I’m okay the way I am, and I’m now willing to create new, better rules for my life.
Your turn:
Which are rules that you learned as a kid? And how to they limit you now as adult?
Image source: F. Moebius
PS: In my newsletter, you’ll find full tapping rounds to go with the blog posts. To sign up, just fill in the form on the upper right hand corner.
PPS: I work with many people on transforming their limiting beliefs. If you’re interested in receiving support to shift those walls that hold you back, just click HERE, fill in the email and send it off. We’ll connect through skype to talk about how I can support you best.