What do YOU need?


I have a question.

Today, I don’t  have another tapping blog post for you.

Instead, I’m going to ask a huge favor from you.

Because I love you as my reader and care about you, and want to write about topics that really help you. Topics that can make a difference in your life. I want to help you, not an imaginary reader.

So far, I’ve been following my inspiration and my imagination, and very often my own experiences.

But that’s not you.

And I want to be here for you. You matter.

That’s why I’m asking you:

What topics are weighing heavy on your heart?
What worries make you lose sleep at night?
Where would you want to feel relief most?

Because tapping can do that.

I can do that for you. If I know what you need.

Please write a comment.

And I’ll write a blog post just for you.


Image Source: F. Moebius

PS: I’m here to serve you. If you want personal support, click HERE and send me an email. We’ll talk and figure out how I can support you best.

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