Do you feel stuck in life?
Is success escaping you?
Do you feel cursed with self-sabotage?
Would you like to feel happy again?
Do you finally want to live your dream?
You’ve come to the right place. I can help you with all of that and more.
Together we’ll play detective and discover what is holding you back. It could be some bad memories, some rules you picked up along the way, or family conditioning. Whatever it is, we can then dissolve and shift these things with EFT – fast.
You’ll notice changes from the first session on. In fact, you’ll feel lighter, happier and more energetic very quickly.
Let’s talk – schedule a free Assessment Call by simply dropping me an email.
Personal Power Package
– EFT training material (video and workbook), so you can always tap into your power
– 3 monthly individual EFT sessions, via Skype, directly with me
– email support between sessions, so you’ll always be supported
– additional EFT tapping suggestions to help you tap whenever you need to
– personal worksheets you can always refer back to
Choose between 1 month, 3 months, or six months of coaching.
You’ll also have access to a special message board with open and private areas, where all of my clients can interact and help each other grow and overcome issues. And yes, I will participate there, as well.
What else do you get?
You get my whole heart and all of my experience in the field of EFT, coaching, systemic approaches and intuitive work. I believe in you and your ability to overcome difficult situations and stressful times in your life, possibly with some help. You are a wonderful person, willing to shift things in your life – but it feels too hard to do on your own. You’ll find rock-solid support in my coaching programs.
And of course, you will learn how to tap into your own personal power and make a difference both in your life and in the lives of others.
So, what can you do right now?
Download this assessment sheet right here: Coaching Assessment Tool
Fill it in and send it back to the email specified in the text 24h before our call.
With your information I can look at the challenges you’re facing and can suggest the best program to you. Your information will be treated strictly confidential.
What people say:
“You are exactly the person I needed at this time and when I feel in need of assistance in the future you are definitely the person I will call on for help.”
Sally Canning, EFT Mentor, Trainer and Practitioner.“Frauke Moebius at Moebius Coaching gives ‘coaching or therapy’ a new meaning. Her calm, strong, patient, friendly demeanor provides a sense of ease that allows for deep soul searching and reflection in what feels like a completely safe atmosphere.
She has worked with me on several deeply held beliefs, or “core issues,” that have been major problems, and I have always had a profound sense of release and clearing, no matter the issue. She is wonderfully insightful, and I have seen real world changes resulting from my work with her. I would highly recommend her for anyone who is either looking for performance enhancement in any area (work to sports to art), and also for anyone in physical or emotional pain/difficulties.
Frauke Moebius has helped me, others I know of, and could certainly help you. Working via Skype, the Sessions felt as if we were in the same room.”
Bonnie Sheldon, Florida, USA
Act now.
I only have four spaces for these programs at the moment. Act now to grab your spot.
Just drop me an email, and we’ll talk about your Personal Power Package. Step into your own Power now, and change your entire life, with me at your side.