Where’s that other shoe?
Are you familiar with this unsettling feeling of impending doom which creeps in just as things are really rolling along well? Is it difficult for you to really relax and enjoy a lovely day because it’ll be over all too soon? After all, there must be a balance of good things and bad things, right?
We have a comfort spot when it comes to the distribution of good and bad. When things go well for a certain amount of time, this begins to feel dangerous to some people – they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for the bad thing that will restore the balance.
But this is just something we learned. And everyone has their own individual calamity set-point.
There are people who walk through their life and just enjoy it. And even if the going gets rough, they just hang in there, happy in the knowledge that it’ll get better any time now. (This is only a slight exaggeration.) On the other hand, there are people who become completely unsettled when they do not experience at least five different domestic or job calamities per day. Each learned their lesson well.
Sadly, both are right. They simply get what they expect.
That’s how the universe works.
Fortunately, we can change our calamity set-point. And this will actually change our daily experience. If we shift our calamity set-point to a better level, we will have less bad things happening to us. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Let’s tap.
KP: Even though I’m always afraid that the other shoe will drop, I’m okay the way I am, and I’m open to the possibility that it doesn’t really have to.
Even though I believe in a fixed balance of good and bad, I’m okay the way I am, and I’m open to the possibility that maybe there is no natural law that says so.
Even though I’m scared of too many good things, because surely something bad must follow, I’m okay the way I am, and I’m open to the possibility that this is not actually a natural law.
IE: Nothing good can last forever.
OE: There will always be something bad to balance it out.
UE: And I’d rather have it sooner than later!
UN: Because it can build up and get really bad!
CP: At least that’s what I learned.
CB: That’s what I expect in life.
UA: Good and bad balance out to neutral
AW: It’s always been that way.
Take a deep breath!
IE: I don’t remember where I learned it.
OE: Probably my whole family thinks this way.
UE: And so I learned it as a kid.
UN: Just soaked it up.
CP: And now it’s like a natural law.
CB: And when something good happens,
UA: I hold my breath,
AW: waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Take a deep breath!
IE: But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?
OE: What if there is no neutral?
UE: What if there is no other shoe that *has* to drop?
UN: Nah, that’s too woo-woo. There’s always good and bad.
CP: But I’d like more good in my life.
CB: And less bad. Fewer calamities.
UA: I do wish it were possible.
AW: Life would be so much easier!
Take a deep breath!
IE: I allow myself to do an experiment.
OE: I now choose to shift my set-point and have more good in my life.
UE: I allow myself to feel comfortable when good things happen.
UN: And I choose to be simply grateful for them.
CP: No more need for that other shoe.
CB: I choose to be free to enjoy the good things!
UA: I choose to believe that the world is a good place!
AW: And that feels much better.
Take a deep breath!
This is a classical belief – and it will probably take some more tapping than this simple round. I would still encourage you to go through this again and again, because shifting your belief about what to expect in life will actually change your life. You get what you expect. So why not expect good things?
Tell me in the comments what good thing happened to you today!
Image source: F. Möbius
PS: Are those abbreviations a mystery for you? Have you never heard of tapping? No problem. Fill in the form on the right hand side and you’ll get my free ebook “Your First Tapping Miracle”. It teaches you how to do this stuff for yourself.