Worry = Love?



Most of us know how to worry. We allow our thoughts to bring up images of destruction, failure and loss. We spend time and time again with scenarios that just might be. Worry even prevents much needed sleep, keeping us awake. All in all, worry robs us of precious energy.

It doesn’t make sense. And yet, we keep doing it. Why?

Because worrying solves problems.


I firmly believe that all behaviour makes sense on some level or other. And so I believe that even worrying makes sense. It is a problem solver that can become a problem by itself. That’s all it is, no more, no less.

So what does worrying do for us? Continue reading

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The Shoe Mentality

That other shoe

That Other Shoe

What is that?

Well, for many of us, life is like having a pair of shoes, one of good luck and one of bad luck. You have to have both in your life, right? And you take an equal number of steps in each of them, don’t you?  Good and bad balance each other, compliment each other, and only the sum of both gives a whole.

And if you have a lucky streak, you worry about when that other shoe is going to drop.

I’m very familiar with that kind of thinking. And as kid, I tried not to be too happy, because I was afraid that other shoe would drop even faster and harder if I were. I wonder how many people do this in our world.  And it makes me sad.

Because it’s a lie. Continue reading

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Healing and Mindset



At the moment, I can study the importance of mindset for healing close up. Four weeks ago, I ended up in the ER and later in surgery, after smashing my collar bone when a horse bucked me off.

From the first moment, I worked on staying positive. I tapped a lot. I listened to my body and what it told me it needed. That was a lot of sleep, mostly. And yet, my body also motivated me to move my arm as soon as possible, even if it just meant to take the hand out of the sling and stretching my ellbow a little. And I stayed positive and cheerful.

The result: The physiotherapists are happy. They delight in my fast progress with restoring mobility of my arm (I had no idea how quickly joints freeze when they are immobile – two weeks will already do it). Another x-ray next week will tell whether my bones has healed as fast as I hope. It’s been quite an adventure, to be honest. Continue reading

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Release that Fear



As entrepreneurs, we know fear. It’s the steady companion of leaving our comfort zone. And you probably know the phrase: Do it scared. And I have done it scared, and I have done it inspired. But most people I know do it scared and face that same old fear every time, over and over again.

The good news is that you don’t have to.

Because fear can be released from the body. This has several advantages:

– You don’t spend so much energy keeping fear at bay
– Procrastination doesn’t have to rear its ugly head.
– You have much more energy to be creative.
– Chances are, you’ll actually get into the flow with your task.

And here’s how you do it: Continue reading

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Love Yourself – Value Yourself

Value myself?

Value myself?

Here’s another one of those concepts that may make people frown. Value myself? Well, maybe I’m an okay person, but value?

I believe this is probably another left-over from our days as children or teenagers. How many times did we hear “No!” or “Don’t!”? Probably a whole lot more than getting praise or attention.

Depending on the interaction of others with us, we created our sense of personal value. Did people seek our company? Did they want to sit with us in school? Or did they keep a distance? How was it for you? Continue reading

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Love Yourself – Be Creative

Hmm. Creative?

Hmmm … creative?

Creative? Me?

Maybe you believe that the only people who are actually qualified to be creative are writers, painters, sculptors, graphic designers and others along those lines who create art. Maybe you also believe that one has to be a least a little excentric or mad to be good at it. And there is a grain of truth in this – I’m allowed to say that since I’m also a writer.

Except I wouldn’t want to call it madness. Being creative simple is the ability to bend the rules we live with somewhat, or tip them over at times. Because we learned what a “real” painting has to look like and what kind of story a “real” book is supposed to tell, or how a “real” poem has to sound like. And in addition, we have this picture of the starving artist in mind who only lives for his or her creativity.

And that would simply be too much. That’s too high a price to pay for being creative. Continue reading

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Love Yourself – That Dratted Inner Voice

That inner voice

That Inner Voice

Most of us are familiar with that inner voice. I mean the voice that somtimes warns of danger, but which usually just makes us feel inadequate, not good enough or really small. The voice that tells to be careful about being happy. The voice that writers call “the inner critic”.

And sadly, that voice has taken up residence in almost everyone.

On the other hand, very few people know that this voice can be tamed, and even transformed. With a bit of work (and tapping!), this inner voice and critic can be persuaded to speak to us very differently. Continue reading

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Love Yourself – and Your Body

Love your body.

Love your body.

How we think about ourselves is fundamental to how we live our lives. I also believe nobody doubts that having a good relationship with ourselves makes life much, much easier.

And yet, that self-love is so hard to achieve.

Today, I want to start with the very foundation: Our body. It’s a simple truth that we cannot walk this world and enjoy a good life without a body. It’s the vehicle through which we experience this world and move through it.

But many people hate their bodies. Continue reading

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I can’t even get started!



Are you familiar with this? There is something you really should or want to do, and you find yourself doing a lot of other things instead. Maybe you’re reading all ten volumes of your favorite series. Or watching all episodes of Star Trek from DVD. Or you’re playing Solitaire, cleaning your house like a whirlwind or editing the pictures of the last vacation.

Instead, you should keep a deadline, write an important letter or work on a project where your passion lies. And you don’t quite know what’s driving you to distraction and into numbing yourself with those activities.

It’s stress.

“Stress?”, I hear you say. “But I want to do these things, and just can’t seem to get started.” Continue reading

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Accident: Horse Steps on Toe



Accidents and injuries happen all the time. And EFT can be a big help, especially with smaller injuries. This little tale is about using tapping to ease an injury and an example for how to use EFT as selfhelp.

Before I launch into the story, however, I have to remind you to see a doctor for injuries – EFT does not replace a doctor’s visit, nor should you rely on EFT alone for injuries. Please be careful and responsible at all times and use common sense.

Now, I started riding horses again a while back, after having ridden a lot as teenager. And of course, a riding stable is not necessarily a very safe place. Accidents happen, and with animals weighing half a ton, they can be painful. Continue reading

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