The Art of Letting Go

Letting Go

Letting Go

For many people it is hard to let go. So they have things in their houses that are not really beautiful, merely there. They may have some extra pounds that never seem to go away. And quite possibly, they still remember that awful moment in high school when everyone laughed at them.

These are all examples of not letting go.

And that’s the result of an underlying lack mentality. Continue reading

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The Balance of Giving and Receiving Part 2



Maybe you found out last week that there actually is an imbalance when considering giving and receiving in your family, relationship or work place. Maybe you have even decided to change that.

Very good idea.

Here’s a reason why:

During my studies at university, I was friend with a wonderful couple. They were both great people, smart, bright, loving. He gave up his studies and took a job, to support them both and help her finish her studies. They planned for her to get a good job afterwards, so that he could then go back to university and finish his studies.

It didn’t work out that way. Continue reading

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The Balance of Giving and Receiving

Giving and receiving

Giving / Receiving

It is more blessed to give than to receive“.

That‘s what the bible says.

But that’s not entirely true.

Giving too much can kill relationships. So can receiving too much. Continue reading

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When Your Family doesn’t Support You

They what?

They what?

This one is personal – but I know it happens all the time to entrepreneurs who are the first in their families to start a business. So I’ll share what happened, as well as the lesson I took away from the incident.

Among my family, I talked about my vision of my future as an international EFT coach, and about how I want to give up my day job. It felt good to explain how carefully I plan for this, how many safeguards I have in place and how I’m learning to do all these exciting new things in my life. I was happy showing them my glowing vision of my own future, even telling them I want to move back to the area where they live. Continue reading

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EFT for Dealing with Heat



Even Germany is having heatwaves now. Anything above 30° C is considered a heatwave around here – and Air Conditioning is rare. So I sat thinking about how to use EFT to help you deal with that kind of heat. Is it even possible?

Oh, yes.

That doesn’t mean you should stop using common sense. Heat can indeed be dangerous, as you probably well know. Staying in the shade, being sensible about outdoor sports (don’t practice for a marathon at the middle of the day), eating lightly and drinking plenty of water – those are all good and smart ideas. Adding EFT on top of that is a real bonus. Continue reading

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Dealing with Frustration



As you probably noticed, my website was offline for a couple of days. And yes, that was cause for quite some frustration! How did I deal with it? With lots of different strategies:

– Tapping
– Reading some favorite novels
– Eating icecream
– Enjoying a walk
– Talking to friends
– Taking naps Continue reading

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Kick the Job Mentality

Nine to Five

Nine to Five

Many of us had a job before starting their own business. And some may still have a day job while growing the business to the point where they can quit.

Having a job is the norm. Getting a job is the reason behind going to college and getting a B.A. Landing a good job used to be the safe thing, the good thing, the expected thing.

Unfortunately, the world turned and changed. Even here in Germany, having a job does no longer guarantees a good life or an easy retirement. Continue reading

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Regain your focus

Sometimes, it’s time for a real break, a pause, a moment of reorientation. With a bit of luck, we do sense the need for this in time. Alternatively, the universe will provide an opportunity to create a break so that which has been growing inside ourselves can come out. And we may not like the way it happens. But it will come:

Renewal. Continue reading

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Give up the Grind

So busy

So busy!

When I started my business, I read several books on start-ups. And they all had one thing in common: They warned of hard work, long hours, and no vacations or time off in the next two to three years. at least. Maybe more. They all said this was necessary to reap the rewards of a nice income later. Much later. Basically they said: do this, slave away at your business, sacrifice your free time, family and friends, or you’re not a businesswoman. Continue reading

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Giving Permission



Are you allowed to really feel good?

To be ridiculously happy?

To be incredibly rich?

To be utterly successful?

Probably not. Most of us have a sense for what’s allowed for us and what is not allowed. We have limits for happiness, love, success and abundance. Continue reading

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